
Friday, 21 August 2015

You can Make Your Butt Bigger in Every 3-to-4 Weeks…

workouts to get a bigger butt
Do Workout A, B, C or D & This Diet
  • Do Workout A if you JUST want to get a bigger butt without doing squats or lunges or if you have bad knees.
  • Do Workout B if you want to get a bigger butt & thicker thighs doing the same exercises from Workout A along with squats, lunges or leg presses.
  • Do Workout C (which is almost like Workout B) If you're able to do hill sprints
  • Do Workout D to get a bigger butt without weights but don't expect to get the same results you'd get from Workouts A,B or C.
  • Use this 4-Step diet to see what and how much you need to eat for building a bigger butt.
  • If you don't think this plan can work then look at these women who got results
  • See the Frequently Asked Questions for getting a bigger butt
Butt Workout A
  • Do 4-to-6 sets of 5-to-12 reps of ONLY ONE of the 2 butt exercises below 1-to-2 days per week but…
  • Take at least 2 days off between workouts if doing this workout 2 days a week.
Click on photos to see how to do exercise
Before you start butt workout A…
  • Make DAMN sure you use weights heavy enough to only allow you to do 5-to-12 reps per set so…
    • If you ever end up doing way more than 12 reps on a set then That set does not count as an actually set (it can be counted as a warm-up) and…
    • If you can't get at least 5 reps on a set then you need to use lighter weights but more importantly…
  • Get a training log because you need to beat your last workout or set by trying to do more reps, sets or using heavier weight each workout because your butt can only get bigger as it gets stronger so use any of these logs…
  • Use this 4-Step DietKeep a food journal &…
  • See the Frequently Asked Questions for getting a bigger butt
Butt Workout B
  • Do 4-to-6 sets of 5-to-12 reps of ONE of the butt exercises from GROUP A & then…
  • Do 4-to-6 sets of 5-to-12 reps of ONE of the butt & thigh exercises from GROUP B 1-to-2 days per week but…
  • Take at least 2 days off between workouts if doing this workout 2 days a week.
Click on photos to see how to do exercise
Click on photos to see how to do exercise
Before you start butt workout B…
Butt Workout C
In Weeks 1, 3 & 5…
  • Warm-up for 5-to-10 minutes by jogging or fast-pace walking and then Do another 5-to-15 minutes of dynamic stretching and then…
  • Do 5-to-7 50-to-100 yard hill sprintsRest for 10-to-20 minutes and then do another 5-to-7 50-to-100 yard hill sprints &…
  • After you do each sprint, walk back down the hill and rest no longer than 3 minutes &…
  • Do this hill sprint workout 1-to-2 days per weektaking at least 2 days off between workouts if doing it 2 days per week &…
To get a bigger butt each time you do hill sprints…
  • Sprint faster and/or farther each time you do this workout &…
  • You want to sprint as if a dog or a serial killer was chasing you up that hill &…
  • The stepper the hill is = the better butt workout you'll get &…
In Weeks 2, 4 & 6…
  • Do 4-to-6 sets of 5-to-12 reps of ONE of the butt exercises from GROUP A & then…
  • Do 4-to-6 sets of 5-to-12 reps of ONE of the butt & thigh exercises from GROUP B 1-to-2 days per week but…
  • Take at least 2 days off between workouts if doing this workout 2 days a week &…
  • You'd keep repeating weeks 1-thru-6 until you get the butt you want but you may want to take 1-to-2 weeks off before repeating weeks 1-thru-6.
Click on photos to see how to do exercise


Click on photos to see how to do exercise

Before you start butt workout C…
  • Make DAMN sure you use weights heavy enough to only allow you to do 5-to-12 reps per set so…
    • If you ever end up doing way more than 12 reps on a set then That set does not count as an actually set (it can be counted as a warm-up) and…
    • If you can't get at least 5 reps on a set then you need to use lighter weights but more importantly…
  • Get a training log because you need to beat your last workout or set by trying to do more reps, sets or using heavier weight each workout because your butt can only get bigger as it gets stronger so use any of these logs…
  • Use this 4-Step Diet, Keep a food journal &…
  • See the Frequently Asked Questions for getting a bigger butt
Butt Workout D
  • Do the hip thrust and/or butt bridge workout below 2-to-6 times per day, 2-to-4 days per week but if you have hills…
  • You're going to basically do workout C except that you replace the week 2, 4 & 6 workouts with the hip thrust and/or butt bridge workout.
Hip Thrust Workout
Butt Bridge Workout
Before you start butt workout D…
4-step diet plan for a bigger butt
4 step diet for a bigger butt
1. Eat 1200-to-2000 calories per day
You'll lose or maintain your weight while getting a bigger butt on a 1200-to-2000 calorie diet but…
  • If you're overweight: You may want to start off eating 1200-to-1500 calories while also following these 8 rules to burn the fat hiding the curvier butt your building &…
  • You can Eat anything you want & Eat whenever you want (just like in the breakevenow diet) as long as you make sure you…
2. Eat 100-to-250 grams of protein each day
To get all the protein you need to repair & rebuild your glutes (your butt muscles) into bigger and stronger ones after you've broken them down doing Workout A, B, C or D…
With 100-to-250 grams of protein per day…
  • About 25-to-50% of your diet will be protein and the rest can be 'anything you want to eat' but…
  • Make sure most of the 'anything you want to eat' part comes from these foods here to prevent weight gain from overeating and to have more energy for your workouts &…
  • Eating more than 250 grams of protein each day will not make you get a bigger butt any faster.
3. Drink at least 1 liter of water per day
Use a food journal so you can adjust the amount of calories & protein you're eating if you're not satisfied with the results you're getting but Go over these frequently asked questions before making any adjustments.
Use any 1 of these free food journals…
Has this Plan actually worked for anyone?
I Got the Butt I Want
The exercises I use is the weighted butt bridge, weighted hip thrust, elevated lunges & barbell squats as told here and I use 70lbs for all exercises and 5 sets of 8 for all.
I also used your 7 minute video on slimmer thighs and do that 3 times a week.
That is not my whole exercise routine. It would be too much to put in lol but that is how i used breakevenow.blogspot.com and i shared it with so many people. Its so organized and covers everything u need to know to get the body you want.‬
Jenna Allure
My booty got bigger & more lifted
bigger booty
Yep, luv this guy followed his advice on hip thrusts over squats and my booty got bigger and more lifted. I started with 30 kg and worked myself up to 80 kg barbell with hip thrusts.
I do squats but they do not build a big booty like I have now as you can see the proof is in the pudding. What helped more than anything was heavy weighted barbell hip thrusts
Nataska Gordon
Victoria's progress after 6 weeks…
My Butt Looks Really Good Now…
Go to Tindra's Instagram to see more of the results she got with squats and this diet tool I gave her.
Thanks so much
Tindra Isabell
My Butt is Better Now
I lost 10 pounds and I use the butt bridge workout! It helped me to build up my booty quite a bit after losing weight.
I had booty but I didn't have a thin waist. Now thanks to your program my waist is very small and I still have a butt! My butt is better now then before because it's muscle.
Sasha Noneya
Adds 4 inches to her butt
Went from 33" hip to a 37.5" hip! All by utilizing the hipthurst. Thanks to Bret Contreras & Adrian Bryant for showing me! This is by far the most dramatic change for my Glutes, Hamstrings and overall thigh development.
Deirdre W.
Gained 2 pant sizes in my glutes
Adrian, Thank you so much for your advice and program. I am in love with my body and the results!!
Results are from heavy weighted glute bridges and hip thrust. No squats!!!! Gained 2 pant sizes in my glutes
What really helped was your advice on protein intake. I ^ my calorie intake to 2000 and my diet consisted of 50% protein.
"Dang ma, you got a phatty girl."
targeted the Booty with Adrian's bootylicious workout. When i did the workouts alot, i saw faster results, even with using weights. Thanks, my jeans feel GREAT!
Thanks so much for inspiring me and for giving me my new booty lol.
I was in atlanta earlier this month to visit my bf and as i got off the subway guys were saying, "Dang ma, you got a phatty girl." lol. I knew the workout has worked. THANKS SO MUCH!!
Renita, South Carolina
GAINED 3 inches on my hips
Omg!! In one month using the BREAKEVENOW workouts I lost 4 inches on my waist, and GAINED 3 inches on my hips! My measurements now are 32"-26"-37" hell yes!!


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