
Tuesday, 18 August 2015

Tested and trusted Natural Home Remedies to Get Rid of Acne Scars

What is acne?

Acne occurs when the pores of your skin become clogged, most often on the face, neck, back, and chest. No one knows exactly why this happens, but we do know that testosterone plays a part, as does heredity.
Once a pore becomes clogged, it traps skin oil inside. Bacteria grows in this oil and can cause an inflammatory response in the skin. Acne lesions can be small and hardly noticeable, have a small white or black head, or can appear red with a white/yellow center. Sometimes a clogged pore will become so inflamed that it can lead to larger, more painful lesions called nodules or cysts, which can ultimately scar. Almost no one escapes some clogged pores and pimples, especially during adolescence--a fragile time when self-esteem and confidence is just emerging.Acne afflicts people of all ethnicity and is treated the same regardless.
Our skin is healthiest and clearest when it is in balance. The more irritation your skin experiences, the more likely it is to break out. Conversely, the less irritation your skin experiences, the better it is able to remain clear. Sources of irritation include anything which rubs, scratches, or comes into prolonged contact with your skin, as well as anything which sends your skin out of balance such as over dryness, sunburns, shaving the face with irritating razors, and pore-clogging cosmetics. To best clear acne, try to keep your skin as untouched as possible. Acne is not caused by dirt, and washing your face, while it is fine to do up to twice per day, is going to do little to help with your acne.
Finally, popping pimples is not off limits. None of us likes to walk around with puss filled pimples. Done correctly, properly popping can actually help hasten healing. However, whatever you do, do not pick at your skin.6-8

What is Acne Scar?

Pimple inflammation scars happen at the end of the skin inflammation or acne. Energized spots happen when the hair follicle or even your skin pores gets swollen with excess oil, dead skin cells as well as microscopic organisms like bacteria. By then the pores swell out making a break in the follicle divider. In case the split happens near to the skin surface, the sore can be minor as well as may be recuperated quickly. Acne infection destroys the solid skin tissue and this becomes as scars on the skin. In case scars are not treated suitably, there is a plausibility of pimple inflammation to come back to it as the microbes in the impacted skin won’t go completely.
You have to fight against your acne scars and natural ingredients will help you to fight against acne scars. In this condition, these regular custom made cures will accommodate you a safe as well as a continuing prescription for skin break out scars to blur them. You will be able to discover fresh and clear skin if you maintain the process.

Main Causes of Acne Scars

At the point when pimple inflammation breakouts infiltrate the skin profoundly, they harm the skin as well as the tissue underneath it. When the pimples clears, our body tries to repair the damage that is caused by acne. Amid the recuperating process, the body starts to produce collagen. Collagen is basically a substance that supports the skin. In the event that the body creates excessively little or even a lot of collagen, you will start to notice scar. What kind of scar you will notice, it relies on upon the amount of collagen your body makes.
  • Discouraged pimple inflammation scars: If the body creates excessively little collagen, discouragements or pits structure as the skin recuperates.
  • Raised pimple inflammation scars: Sometimes the body creates a lot of collagen as it tries to recuperate the skin and basic tissue. At the point when this happens, a person starts to develop a raised skin inflammation scar. This sort of skin break out scar is more basic in individuals who have skin of color like African Americans, Asian and Hispanics.Who likes scars and that too on face! Getting rid of acne scars is a little tougher than eliminating acne actually. Pimples can be naturally treated with many ingredients having anti-inflammatory or antibacterial properties which are in abundance in nature. However, pimple scars are a little stubborn as they doesn’t go easily. However, as the saying goes, nothing is impossible. It may take some time but your regular efforts using certain natural bleaching agents as well as other ingredients may lighten your acne scars and gradually remove them permanently.

Prevention is better than cure…

Before I go on to share some really beneficial home remedies to remove acne scars naturally, I want to share some words of wisdom. There are certain things that you should avoid in order to prevent forming scars at the first place. It’s not essential to have scars even if you get pimples!

Don’t play with your acne

Yes, keep your hands off your acne's! Don’t play with them, don’t pick them or squeeze them, just leave them alone when you are not applying any remedy on them. Whatever you are doing to remove pimples, do it with gentle hands. Why? I’ll tell you.
When you get acne, there is intense inflammation on your facial skin and there is loss of collagen. Collagen is the protein fiber, one of the components of skin which gives skin its elasticity. When you pick or squeeze your pimples, it leads to further inflammation and injury to your skin. It also leads the bacteria and pus in your pimple go deep down into your skin resulting in more loss of collagen which means even deeper scars on your face.

Don’t expose scars to sun

Your body is capable of taking care of your scars and they will get lighter with time. However, if you expose them to sun, their healing process will slow down and the scars will get darker. So, avoid sun. If it’s essential to go out in sun, use sunscreen to guard your skin and also cover yourself with hat, umbrella, clothes- whatever you can lay hands on.

Acne or pimple is nothing but a skin contamination, which abandons terrible scars. Most pimple inflammation scars go away as well as also blur off over a couple of months. There are few approaches to dispose of pimple inflammation scars quick and also characteristically with home cures. It requires significant investment to uproot acne scars and make them vanish. The natural remedies listed below will give you a discernible contrast over a time of time and help you to dispose of pimple inflammation scars quick and naturally.
Actually if we want to get rid of these acne scars, we have to follow natural process as natural remedies are free from side effects. Natural remedies will also give you long term result.

For example, baking soda has made it to the list of most commonly used acne home remedies for years. Unfortunately, people with sensitive skin often find their acne problems turn from bad to worse after using baking soda.
Truth be told, there’s no such thing as the ULTIMATE home remedy for acne. One solution may work for some people but might bring the opposite effect to others. And if you’re in a hurry to clear your pores from pimples, this might depress you a bit.
So what are the best acne home remedies to clear your zits overnight?
After searching for a while, i came up with some home remedies for acne that have been proven to be safe and effective for most people. And, yes, that includes folks with uber sensitive skin. So without further ado, here are five  home remedies to help you get rid of acne the fastest but safest way possible:


home remedies for acne

Cucumber has long been known as a natural remedy to soothe skin. It is also a rich source of different nutrients that can help in acne healing and prevention. These include Vitamins A, C, and E. When used regularly, cucumber can prevent the development of oily skin and eventually, acne breakouts.
There are three different ways to use cucumber as an acne home remedy:
Option # 1: Apply grated or sliced cucumber to the affected area and let it sit for 20 minutes before washing.
Option # 2: Cut the cucumber into pieces. Let them soak in a bowl of clean water for at least one hour. During this process, the nutrients from the cucumber including chlorophyll will slowly transfer to the water. Strain the solution and use the water either as a drink or as a facial wash.
Option # 3: To make a facial mask, mix grated cucumber with one cup of oatmeal. You can then combine this mixture with some amount of plain yogurt to give a smoother consistency. Apply the mask for about 30 minutes before rinsing with a lukewarm water.

  • Fenugreek Seeds Remedy

Fenugreek Seeds
Fenugreek Seeds work great to remove the scars of acne naturally. Fenugreek is also known as Greek hayseed as well as the root of fledgling. It has a long history of helpful utilization for mending and also easing aggravation. It contains powerful anti-oxidants that yield huge profits in treating skin issue. While further experimental exploration is expected to affirm the viability of fenugreek in treating complexion skin issues, it has been a famous natural solution for hundreds of years in treating pimple inflammation.
If you want to apply this remedy, you have to collect 2tbsp of fenugreek seeds, water and a pan.
Take a small pan over medium heat. Add 2 cups of water and fenugreek seeds. Let them boil for few minutes as well as grind them into glue. Store this glue in a cool area. You can also store it in the refrigerator. Apply small portion of this glue on your acne smudges. After that leave it for 15 minutes. Wash your skin with warm water.
Note: Do not leave fenugreek glue more than 20 minutes. You can use cotton ball to clean your face.
  • Lemon Juice Remedy

Lemon Juice Acne

Dab some lemon juice on it
Lemon juice can help get rid of breakouts for a number of reasons. It is rich in vitamin C, which is good for all types of skin, and it’s a citric acid, so it helps ‘exfoliate’ the skin as well. Most importantly though, it is an astringent. An astringent will cause a contraction of body tissues, and will therefore dry out the blemish itself. It is also a natural skin whitener, which helps reduce redness. If you misplace a dab you may get a little white spot, but don’t panic- it will go away on its own accord. Rinse off any lemon juice before going out in the sun, as it may make you more sensitive to it.
You will need…
-1 tablespoon of freshly squeezed lemon juice (approximately)
-Q-tips or cotton balls (optional)
-Yogurt (optional)
Dab Some Lemon On It

While there are unquestionably different approaches to treat acne cars, maybe none is as DIY as well as financially savvy as utilizing lemon juice. Fresh lemon juice contains L-asorbic acid. It is a common astringent which dries out the pimple inflammation, and also antibacterial exacerbates that battle against acne producing bacteria. Lemon juice can be fantastically viable if utilized legitimately, mind must be taken not to exacerbate sores. Avoid sun while using lemon juice. It may cause skin damage!

If you want to reduce your acne scars, you can simply use lemon use. Applying this remedy, you will need just 2 or 3 tsp of lemon juice and a cotton ball. Apply lemon juice to your skin with a cotton ball and leave it for thirty minute. You can also apply it before go to bed. You have to continue this process for 2 to 3 weeks.
Note: Lemon juice is very good for skin, however, you may experience little irritation. In that case you can wash your face with cool water after 10 minutes of applying.
  • Baking Soda and Water Remedy

Baking Soda
Baking soda is yet a prevalent solution for dispose of acne scars through its shedding impacts. Baking soda can easily be used to shed the skin as well as also minimize the presence of pimple inflammation scars.
Take 2 to 3 teaspoon of baking soda and 2 teaspoon of water. Mix it well and make a thick paste. Apply it on the affected area and massage it in a circular motion. Leave it for 3 minutes. After that wash your face with cool water. You will discover a smooth as well as glowing skin.
Note: Do not leave this paste on your skin more than 8 minutes. Wash your face with cool water.
  • Egg Whites

Egg White Mask
Egg whites have influential mending qualities that will help recuperate your scarring and in the end make it less obvious. Egg white is brimming with proteins and amino acids which can tighten the pores to avert new breakouts while it lightens the scarred skin.
Take a little bowl as well as whip 1 egg whites until they get to be feathery and white. Utilize your fingers to tenderly spread the egg whites on to your skin – focus on the issue territories. Let the egg whites dry on the skin and hold up a couple of minutes before washing without end tenderly with respectably warm water. Do this two to three times each week.
Note: If your skin is very dry, you can use olive oil after washing your face with warm water.
  • Aloe Vera

Aloe Vera acne
New aloe vera gel is an intense wellspring of vitamins which can help to mend skin and blur scars. Aloe is delicate, so you won’t need to stress over further harming or bothering skin. Additionally, in light of the fact that aloe is such a glorious characteristic lotion, it will leave your skin looking and feeling gentler and healthier. You can find aloe vera gel in any medication store or even drug store, natural aloe is best.
Simply sever a little bit of one leaf, peel away the external tissue to uncover the gel, and back rub tenderly into your skin. For best comes about, let the gel absorb for no less than thirty minutes before washing your skin.
Note: Sometimes Aloe Vera causes irritation. You need not to worry about that. If it is too much, then you can wash your face immediately.
  • Coconut Oil

Coconut oil is one of the best natural moisturizers that comes with recuperating properties.
Scoop around a quarter of a teaspoon of coconut oil into the palm of your hand and let it dissolve as it comes up to body temperature. With your fingertips, back rub oil specifically onto scarred skin and let it absorb. There is no compelling reason to wash coconut oil away as the vitamins and vital unsaturated fats will keep on meeting expectations and enhance the health of your skin as long as you leave it on the skin.
Note: If you do not want to leave oil too much time on your skin, then you can leave it for 30 minutes and after that wash your face with mild face wash..
  • Olive Oil

Olive Oil
Olive oil is a great source of iron as well as vitamins. Vitamin E is progressively being perceived as an imperative player in helping the battle against the aging methodology. Olive oil being rich in anti-oxidants.
It successfully breaks down dirt as well as oil caught inside obstructed pores; it is a decent skin inflammation scar treatment. Before going to bunk delicately knead olive oil onto your facial skin, focusing on the inconvenience spots. Keep rubbing for a couple of minutes till you can feel that your pores are totally immersed. Wrap a warm wash fabric over your face to steam and subsequently open the pores. Tenderly wipe away the overabundance oil. Repeat the procedure 1-2 times before washing your face with cool water.
Note: Apply a flimsy layer of olive oil all over and abandon it on for no less than 15 prior minutes going to your bed.
  • Honey

Honey is a popular natural ingredients that can help to reduce acne scars. It is best to utilize raw honey, not the prepared kind found on the racks of most chain markets. To get the best quality, buy honey from the store that sells only natural products.
Take 1 teaspoon of honey and apply it all over your skin especially onto the affected area. Apply it in a circular motion. Leave it for 10 minutes and after that wash your face with cold water.
Note: Apply honey at least twice a week to get the best result.
  • Potato Slice

Potato Slice
Potato juice is rich in Vitamin as well as mineral. It is good the health of skin as it has a great healing power.
Take a fresh potato and slice the potato. Directly apply the slices to the affected area and leave it for half an hour. You can also massage with the slices. After that wash your face with warm water.
Note: You can also use potato juice. You have to apply this remedy at least once a day.
  • Sugar Scrub

Sugar Scrub
Sugar scrub is also very useful for your skin. It works great to remove the scars of acne.
Take 3 teaspoons of sugar as well as 2 teaspoons of olive oil and make a scrub. Apply it to the affected area and leave it for twenty minutes. Wash your face with mild soap.
Note: You have to apply this mask at least 4 times a week.
  • Rose Water and Glycerin

Rose water and glycerin can help you to remove acne scars.
Mix 2 teaspoons of rose water and 1 teaspoon of glycerin. Apply it to the affected area and you can also massage in a circular motion. Leave it 15 minutes and wash your face.
Note: You can also apply this mask before going to bed.
  • Turmeric Powder

Turmeric Powder
Turmeric power also helps to get rid of acne scars.
Take 2 tsp of turmeric powder and 2 tsp of milk. Mix it well and apply it all over your face or even affected area. Leave it for 20 minutes. Wash your face.
Note: You have to apply this paste 2 times a day.
Bottom Line: Above are the best  natural home remedies to get rid of acne scars. Apply these natural remedies to get rid of acne scars fast.
If you want a quick result you can try Clear Pores .Clear Pores is a total skin cleansing system designed to fight acne from the inside out and our blended ingredients. It can help reduce blemishes, reduce inflammation and swelling, and remove debris and impurities, leaving your skin clean, blemish free and clear. For more information, go to ClearPores.com.

  •  Make it steamy

Steam can help soothe a number of minor maladies, acne being one of them. It helps reduce acne, and its glaring appearance, by opening up the pores and flushing out impurities lurking deep within your skin. You can choose to only steam, or you can use something afterwards. If you use it with something else, you’ve cleared a sort of path for whatever you’re using to really do its job.
You will need…
-1 pot of boiling water
-1 towel
-A large bowl
Boil a pot of water, pour into a large bowl, and let it cool for a few minutes. After its temperature has lowered slightly, place your face above the bowl, and drape the towel over your head to trap the steam. After 10-15 minutes, remove the towel and pat your face dry. Do this once a day or as needed.
  •  The wonders of garlic

Garlic is thought to be a good natural remedy for acne because of its supposed antibacterial properties. You can either ingest it, or apply it topically to help reduce the severity of your breakouts and prevent them in the future. If you can get the juice from the garlic, great, if you can’t, mashing it up and putting it in some water is fine. Never, ever, ever, apply garlic to your skin without diluting it first. If you’re hesitant about the garlic smell, look at the silver lining-others may be a bit taken aback, but you won’t have to worry about Dracula creeping around either.
You will need…
-2-3 cloves of garlic
-water OR aloe Vera gel
Either extract the garlic juice and mix it with 1 teaspoons or so of water, or mash up 2-3 cloves and let sit in water for about 10 minutes. Using a cotton pad, soak up the juice or garlic water and cover problem spots. If you don’t have a cotton pad or something similar to apply it with, the mixture can be a bit runny and hard to work with. In this case, substitute aloe vera gel for water. If you choose to ingest garlic, a clove or two a day should be enough. Prepare it however you like.
Garlic Acne Solution
  •  Oatmeal boost

Oatmeal can power you up from the inside out-and the outside in. If you soak/cook your oats and use them in mask, they can reduce the inflammation and unsightly redness that accompanies breakouts. Add some honey to your mask and you have a great recipe for a rather tasty sounding acne remedy. Keep in mind that oatmeal on its own will not cure your acne, and should be used as part of a sensible routine acne treatment. However, it may very well reduce the blatant, painful, appearance of the breakouts.
You will need…
-One serving of oatmeal-steel cut seems to work well
-Two tablespoons raw honey
Whip up a batch of oatmeal as usual, or by following the directions on the box. When it is finished and still hot, add two tablespoons of honey. Let mixture cool to room temperature. Keep in mind it retains quite a bit of heat, so really make sure it’s a comfortable temperature before applying it to your skin-the last thing you need is a burn! Leave it on for 20-30 minutes. When it has set, rinse off with warm water and pat your skin dry.
16. Sugar scrub
Sugar, white or brown, helps get rid of the excess skin cells clogging up your pores by acting as gentle exfoliator. Mix it up with honey, olive oil, or just plain water, and you have a sweet scrub to help rid you of your acne woes. There are plenty of different recipes out there, but we found this one to be particularly delightful (courtesy of cjanecreate.com-thank you for sharing this!)
You will need…
-1 ½ cups of white sugar
-1 ½ cups brown sugar, light or dark
-2-3 tablespoons coarse sea salt
-Roughly 1/2 cup of extra virgin olive oil
-10 tablespoons of pure vanilla extract
-1 whole vanilla bean (totally optional)
Mix 1 ½ cups of brown sugar and 1 ½ cups of brown sugar, adding in a few tablespoons of coarse sea salt for extra exfoliation, and mix. If you’re using the vanilla bean, scrap out the caviar (the inside stuff) and mix it in at this point as well. Put about 2 cups of this sugar/salt/vanilla mixture into a liquid measuring cup and pack it down nice and snug. Pour the extra virgin olive oil over the top, and let it soak through half the mixture, leaving a little layer on top. Mix this up in the measuring cup, and then add it to the rest of the sugar/salt/vanilla mix. Add 4-5 tablespoons of pure vanilla extract and mix it in. Now you can spoon your scrub into whatever containers you wish to store it, making sure to pack it down. If you like, drizzle one tablespoon of vanilla extract on top to ensure that you’ll get the delicious scent when you open it up. This will fill 4 half-pint jars.
  •  Avocado & honey mask

There are so many rumors surrounding diet and acne, it’s hard to know what’s right and what’s wrong. Among these rumors is the claim that avocado (eating it and sometimes applying it topically) will make you breakout, because it’s higher in fat. As far as I am concerned, there’s no concrete evidence to prove this, and far more people seem to have success using it than not. It’s so full of good vitamins and nutrients it seems it can really help tone down the acne. If you have sensitive skin, too, it’s quite mild. There are different combinations you can try, as with most home remedies, but this one blends together avocado and honey.
You will need…
-1 avocado
-1 tablespoon of honey
Rinse your face with water and pat it dry. Scrap out the inside of the avocado and mash it up, then stir in the honey. Continuing mashing/stirring until it turns into a paste. Apply it to your skin and leave it on for 15-20 minutes. When you’re done, wash off the mixture with lukewarm water and pat your face dry. Depending on your skin type, apply moisturizer.

  • Use Vitamin E on Acne Scars

In the recent times, Vitamin E has been considerably recognized as one of the very beneficial vitamins for human skin. It can thoroughly moisturize your skin and in this process, it makes the scars or spots on your skin less noticeable. This is all because it hydrates your skin well with its moisturizing properties. There is one more theory regarding vitamin E and its effectiveness in reducing acne scars. This theory says that vitamin E assists vitamin A in your body. Vitamin A is thought to be vital for a good skin. When you have vitamin E, present in many fruits and vegetables, the fat in your body absorbs this vitamin E. It then works with vitamin A to give you soft, supple and blemish free skin. Deficiency of vitamin E can even lead to dry skin and acne breakouts. Therefore, it is always advisable to provide your body with sufficient vitamin E. Now the question arises, how to use vitamin E on acne scars! Here’s how to do so.
Get this:
  • Vitamin E oil or Vitamin E capsule
Do this:
  • Give steam to your face so that the pores open up.
  • Take few drops of vitamin E oil. If you have bought vitamin E capsule, puncture it and extract the oil out of it.
  • Apply this oil to your skin having acne scars.
  • Now massage the area with this oil in gentle circular strokes for about 10 minutes or till the oil is absorbed into the skin.
  • Leave for about 15-20 minutes.
  • Now wash it off.
  • Do this daily.
Precaution: If you have a sensitive skin, you should always do patch test before applying vitamin E oil or any other oil on to your skin.

11. Cocoa Butter to Remove Acne Scars

Cocoa butter, the fat derived from cacao seeds, is an excellent natural moisturizer and due to its moisturizing properties, it not only heals scars but also prevents them. But does cocoa butter remove acne scars? Yes, it can of course! Let’s know how it does it.

How does cocoa butter remove acne scars?

  1. Cocoa butter is a fat and an excellent moisturizer as well as emollient. It can quickly melt due to the body temperature. This quality makes it easily absorbable into the skin. In fact, it not only penetrates the top layer of your skin but it goes deep within the skin into the dermis. Thus, it reaches the site where your skin can retain the moisture for longer time. A well moisturized skin is the skin that makes spots and scars less visible!
  2. This unique ability of cocoa butter to lock moisture at deeper levels of your skin makes it effective in healing your acne scars. This way, it keeps your skin hydrated. A well hydrated skin can only regrow skin tissue. New skin tissue in place of scarred ones definitely will give you a blemish free skin. Thus, when you apply cocoa butter daily, you help your damaged skin to get repaired.
  3. Cocoa butter softens and moisturizes your skin. Apart from this, it also smooth’s out the tone and texture of your skin. This makes your acne scars less noticeable.
Get this:
  • Cocoa butter
Do this:
  • At night, before going to bed, wash your face properly and pat it dry.
  • Take some cocoa butter and apply this to your face gently massaging it onto your skin for a couple of minutes.
  • Leave it overnight.
  • Wash off in the morning.
  • Do this daily.
  • You may also apply cocoa butter once more during the daytime. Only do not apply too much of it as you may do at night. This will keep your skin looking greasy.
Keeping your skin well hydrated and moisturized is the first step towards removing acne scars. Cocos butter is perhaps one of the best natural moisturizer that you can use on your skin to not only get rid of acne scars but also to keep your skin soft and smooth!
All the above remedies for acne scars are good but there are some that will be more suitable for your skin type. Find out them by experimenting with each and every remedy for scars. Have patience and treat your scars with these remedies and you will definitely get rid of your acne scars. Patience will be the main ingredient though, whatever remedy you adopt for your acne scars!

 Raw Potato

Raw potato can do wonders in removing your pimple scars if you allow them to work for days with patience.

How to use raw potato for acne scars

  • Take a potato and cut it into round slices.
  • Take a slice and rub it gently over your face in circular motion.
  • Keep doing this until you feel that your slice of potato has gone dry.
  • Take another slice and do the same.
  • Repeat this for about 15-20 minutes.
  • Now leave the face as it is so that the leftover potato juice is absorbed by your skin.
  • Now wash off.
  • Apply some moisturizer that suits your skin.
Do this raw potato massage 3-4 times a week for at least 1-2 months depending upon the intensity of your scars. This and even other remedies for pimple scars need your patience to show results.

  •  Raw Tomatoes

The red good tomatoes too can eliminate the scars from your face.

How to use raw tomatoes for acne scars

There are two ways you can do this -simple and and one which is not that simple. First, the simple way.
  • Take a ripe red tomato and cut it into pieces.
  • Crush the pieces to make a pulp of the tomato.
  • Apply this tomato pulp on your face and leave for 15-20 minutes.
  • Wash off your face.
  • Repeat this daily for a week or two.
Now the second method for using tomatoes by making its mask
Make a tomato mask to remove pimple scars
You will need:
  • Tomatoes- 2
  • Cucumber- 1
  • Avocados -2
  • Get the pulp out of tomatoes
  • Grate the cucumber and avocados and squeeze out the juice.
  • Mix all of them.
  • Apply on your face.
  • Leave for 15-20 minutes.
  • Wash off with water.

  • Tea Tree Oil for Acne Scars

Derived from the Melaleuca alternifolia plant of Australia, tea tree oil is an excellent antiseptic, antibacterial, anti fungal and antiviral essential oil. As such, not only for acne scars, tea tree oil is, in fact, one of the best remedies for acne too. As far as scars are concerned, this oil is most beneficial in healing the hypertrophic scars that are generally raised and red, such as those we get after burn injury or a surgery. Raised acne scars too are not very uncommon. So if you have such raised or hypertrophic acne scars, you can effectively use tea tree oil to heal them. Tea tree oil, due to its anti-inflammatory effects would definitely help you in getting rid of such acne scars. This oil is also hydrating. It provides moisture and helps hydrate the scar which gradually diminishes the scar and make it disappear.
Get this:
  • Tea tree oil- 2-4 drops
  • Water- 1-2 tbsp
  • Cotton ball
Adjust the quantity as per the area of your acne scars
Do this:
  • Add the tea tree oil to the water.
  • Take the cotton ball and dip it in the diluted tea tree oil.
  • Apply this solution to your acne scars.
  • Repeat 2-3 times a day
Precaution: Never use tea tree oil undiluted. It is too strong to be handled by your skin. Always dilute it with water, more so if your skin is sensitive.

Cucumber has long been known as a natural remedy to soothe skin. It is also a rich source of different nutrients that can help in acne healing and prevention. These include Vitamins A, C, and E. When used regularly, cucumber can prevent the development of oily skin and eventually, acne breakouts.
There are three different ways to use cucumber as an acne home remedy:
Option # 1: Apply grated or sliced cucumber to the affected area and let it sit for 20 minutes before washing.
Option # 2: Cut the cucumber into pieces. Let them soak in a bowl of clean water for at least one hour. During this process, the nutrients from the cucumber including chlorophyll will slowly transfer to the water. Strain the solution and use the water either as a drink or as a facial wash.
Option # 3: To make a facial mask, mix grated cucumber with one cup of oatmeal. You can then combine this mixture with some amount of plain yogurt to give a smoother consistency. Apply the mask for about 30 minutes before rinsing with a lukewarm water.

UPDATE:2 Bonus Remedies!

1. I’ve seen a great improvement from taking fermented cod liver oil. See the before and after picture in my new post.
2. I haven’t used it, but some people have found that evening primrose oil has helped them treat their acne. It is an anti-inflammatory omega-6 fat and is well known for helping women with menstrual cramps.

Other Important Tips!

Foods To Add!

The following foods, when added to the diet, have been found to help acne: fish oil, turmeric, green tea, nuts, berries (dark red and purple), green leafy vegetables and omega 3-eggs.

Take A Probiotic!

And don’t forget to take your probiotic! This may help your gut by decreasing inflammation.

Watch Blood Sugar, Stay Off The Rollercoaster!

You probably heard of the blood sugar roller coaster. This is caused by eating sugar and refined (and processed )carbohydrates. So when you avoid sugar, don’t forget to cut down on your carbohydrates too! If you do eat a carbohydrate make sure you eat some healthy fat or protein to speed up the and being on this is not only a cause of many ailments but it affects your skin!
According to WebMD, a 2007 study in teenage boys and young men with acne found that eating foods with a low glycemic load (glycemic load tells you how much the food will raise blood sugar) led to significant improvement in their acne! Here is a good chart on the glycemic index of foods. An example of a high glycemic food is white rice “89” on the chart and an example of a low glycemic food is an apple “39”. Some of the best low-carb fruits include, berries, cherries, apples, pears and grapefruits. This is why one important change you can make is to make sure you keep your blood sugar steady. If your blood sugar is going wildly up and down you cause your insulin production to go in to overdrive . If you keep blood sugar balanced less “pimple producing insulin” will be in your blood and it was found in recent studies that there were less sex hormones in the blood of participants that ate foods with a low-glycemic load.

Final Tip

Get exercise and enough sleep! Not getting enough of these definitely affects my skin.
I am constantly trying to find new natural treatments to resolving acne and I will keep you posted on any new research or promising answers. Hope you will let me know if you have found anything that helps! Good luck on your journey to clear skin!
Have you tried any of these natural remedies for acne? What has worked for you?


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