Doing the butt workout here on this page 1-to-2 days per week.
- Doing the butt workout will help you maintain your butt and/or make it bigger as you lose weight doing #1
- The butt workout will also give you thicker thighs so Skip part 2 of the butt workout if you don't want thicker thighs &…
- You can also skip part 2 of the butt workout if you have knee problems or hate squats.
- If you don't have any weights then do this plan here for a bigger butt
- Skip the entire butt workout if you do not want a bigger butt & curvier hips.
Keeping a food journal, Keeping a fat loss workout log for #1 &Keeping a weight training log for #2-to-4 because if you ever get to a point where you're not seeing results…
You can look at your food journal to see…
- If you need to eat less (but no less than 1200 calories) to lose weight faster or…
- If you need to eat more (but no more than 1800 calories) if you're always hungry or…
- If you need to add more protein (but no more than 225 grams) to help you get firmer arms, bigger butt & bigger breast and…
You can look at your fat loss workout log to see…
- If you need to workout longer or harder (by running faster for example) or…
- If you need to workout more often or…
- If you need to start doing a different fat loss workout to help you lose weight faster and…
You can look at your weight training log to see…
- If you need to do more reps, use heavier weight and/or do more sets because usually (and this is especially true when trying to get a bigger butt…)
- You won't see results every 2-to-4 weeks if you keep using the same amount of weight, reps & sets each week.
- Also see how much weight you should start off with so…
Butt Workout
- Do 4-to-6 sets of 5-to-12 reps of ONE of the butt exercises from Part 1 & then…
- Do 4-to-6 sets of 5-to-12 reps of ONE of the butt, hip & thigh exercises from Part 2 1-to-2 days a week but…
- Take at least 2 days off between workouts if doing this workout 2 days a week.
Part 1
Click on photos to see how to do exercise
Part 2
Click on photos to see how to do exercise
Butt Workout Guidelines
- Do this Butt Workout 1-to-2 days a week but never do it on back-to-back days & take at least 1 day off if doing it twice a week or…
- You can do this butt workout TWICE a day (once in the morning & evening) 1-to-2 days a week by doing ONE Exercise from Part 1 in the morning and then ONE exercise from Part 2 in the evening.
- Try to increase the amount of weight, reps and/or sets you do (as long as you don't do more than 6 sets or 12 reps) each time you do the butt workout or better yet…
- Try to increase the weight and/or reps on each set you do while maintaining almost perfect form &…
- Make sure you keep a training log to help you make your butt bigger faster.
- Take at least 1 week off from doing the butt workout after you've done it 2-to-8 weeks in a row.
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