
Friday, 21 August 2015

Before you do these 5 things for a perfect body…

Can I really get a Perfect Body in 90 days?
The answer is YES if…
  • You're less than 30 pounds overweight…
  • You follow the plan doing the 5 things as is…
  • You continuously try to beat or do better than your last workout &…
  • You don't use light weights (small pink 5 lb. dumbbells) which you can do 20+ reps per set.
The answer is NO if…
  • You're more than 30 pounds overweight because…
  • It usually takes 4-to-6 weeks to lose 10 lbs. so…
  • You may want to just focus on #1 & #5 or…
  • Do any 1 of the weight loss plans here to focus on losing weight first but…
  • It's perfectly fine to lose weight and build curves at the same time with #1-thru-5 but…
  • Just don't expect to see any curves or toning & firming results until you lost most of the fat hiding your sexy body.
Fat Loss Workout Guidelines
  • If this fat loss workout is too hard for you…
    • Do this workout plan here for beginners who've never exercised or haven't worked out in a long time or…
    • Just do this fat loss workout less than the required 3-to-4 days a week 1-to-2 times a day but…
  • If you feel you can do these workouts more than the recommended 3-to-4 days a week 1-to-2 times a day then you're not working out hard enough to burn fat fast so to make your workouts more intense…
    • Do your workouts longer (but no longer than 40 minutes) and/or…
    • Do your workouts faster or harder (ex. Run faster) and/or…
    • Make your workouts more intense (ex. Use heavier weights when doing the get ripped in 10 min workout or wear a weight vest while running) and/or…
    • Do a different fat loss workout (ex. Do intervals on a bike instead of treadmill) &…
  • On your rest days (or the days you're not doing any fat loss workouts) you can optionally do a lower-to-moderate intensity workout for 15-to-90 minutes like walking or riding a bike &…
  • Always do your fat loss workouts LAST if doing the butt, breast, arm and/or ab workout on the same day.
  • Most of the workout videos last less than 20 minutes so…


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