*How fast you get the perfect body depends on how overweight you are
Susan transformed herself doing the 5 things on this page
(read the rest of her success story here)
1. Lose weight & Get a flat stomach by…
- Doing the fat loss workout on this page
- Eating 1200-to-1800 calories per day.
- Eat mainly the foods from this list here &…
- Make sure no more than 20% (or 240-to-360 calories) ofthe 1200-to-1800 calories you eat comes from these bad foods here.
- Eat whenever you want but realistically…
- Eat your 1200-to-1800 calories in 2+ meals and NO…
- Eating at night will not make you fat and only if you want to…
- You can combine your 1200-to-1800 calorie diet withintermittent fasting to lose fat faster.
- Eating 100-to-225 grams of protein per day.
- Drinking at least 1 liter of water every day.
- Optional: Take fat burners.
- You can take fat burners like Green Coffee Beans orHydroxycut to lose weight faster but truthfully…
- 99% of the reason why you'll get a perfect body will be because of your diet, doing your fat loss workouts & #2-thru-5 and…
- Women had perfect bodies way before fat burners were invented.
2. Get a bigger butt & curvier hips by…
Doing the butt workout here on this page 1-to-2 days per week.
- Doing the butt workout will help you maintain your butt and/or make it bigger as you lose weight doing #1
- The butt workout will also give you thicker thighs so Skip part 2 of the butt workout if you don't want thicker thighs &…
- You can also skip part 2 of the butt workout if you have knee problems or hate squats.
- If you don't have any weights then do this plan here for a bigger butt
- Skip the entire butt workout if you do not want a bigger butt & curvier hips.
3. Get bigger breast by…
Doing the bigger breast workout here on this page 1-to-3 days per week.
- Please note: Your actually breast will not get bigger but…
- This breast workout will firm up your breast and improve your posture making them LOOK bigger plus it will also fix any sagginess you have in that area.
4. Get firmer arms & belly by…
Doing the Arm & Ab workouts on this page 1-to-3 days per weekbut remember…
- These exercises do very little to help you get rid of belly fator flabby arms so…
- Look at #1 again for how to lose weight to lose any flab or fat on your body so actually…
- You can skip the Arm & Ab workouts to save time if your schedule is real busy because…
- 90% of you getting sexier arms & a flatter stomach is based on how much weight you lose but…
- Firming up your abs & arms will help tighten up any loose skin or sagginess in those areas.
5. Keep track of everything by…
Keeping a food journal, Keeping a fat loss workout log for #1 &Keeping a weight training log for #2-to-4 because if you ever get to a point where you're not seeing results…
You can look at your food journal to see…
- If you need to eat less (but no less than 1200 calories) to lose weight faster or…
- If you need to eat more (but no more than 1800 calories) if you're always hungry or…
- If you need to add more protein (but no more than 225 grams) to help you get firmer arms, bigger butt & bigger breast and…
You can look at your fat loss workout log to see…
- If you need to workout longer or harder (by running faster for example) or…
- If you need to workout more often or…
- If you need to start doing a different fat loss workout to help you lose weight faster and…
You can look at your weight training log to see…
- If you need to do more reps, use heavier weight and/or do more sets because usually (and this is especially true when trying to get a bigger butt…)
- You won't see results every 2-to-4 weeks if you keep using the same amount of weight, reps & sets each week.
- Also see how much weight you should start off with so…
Before you do these 5 things for a perfect body…
- Make your own workout schedule or…
- Use 1 of these 9 pre-made schedules but…
- No matter how you schedule your workout make sure you…
- Do a fat loss workout 3-to-4 days a week 1-to-2 times per day…
- Do the butt workout 1-to-2 days a week &…
- Do the Ab, breast & arm workouts 1-to-3 times a week.
- Get a food journal to lose weight faster
- Make sure you know how to count calories
- Get a fat loss workout log to burn fat faster
- Get a weight training log to build curves faster
- Leave a comment if you have any more questions
Can I really get a Perfect Body in 90 days?
The answer is YES if…
- You're less than 30 pounds overweight…
- You follow the plan doing the 5 things as is…
- You continuously try to beat or do better than your last workout &…
- You don't use light weights (small pink 5 lb. dumbbells) which you can do 20+ reps per set.
The answer is NO if…
- You're more than 30 pounds overweight because…
- It usually takes 4-to-6 weeks to lose 10 lbs. so…
- You may want to just focus on #1 & #5 or…
- Do any 1 of the weight loss plans here to focus on losing weight first but…
- It's perfectly fine to lose weight and build curves at the same time with #1-thru-5 but…
- Just don't expect to see any curves or toning & firming results until you lost most of the fat hiding your sexy body.
Do one of fat loss workouts below for 20-to-40 minutes 3-to-4 days a week 1-to-2 times per day…
Fat Loss Workout Guidelines
- If this fat loss workout is too hard for you…
- Do this workout plan here for beginners who've never exercised or haven't worked out in a long time or…
- Just do this fat loss workout less than the required 3-to-4 days a week 1-to-2 times a day but…
- If you feel you can do these workouts more than the recommended 3-to-4 days a week 1-to-2 times a day then you're not working out hard enough to burn fat fast so to make your workouts more intense…
- Do your workouts longer (but no longer than 40 minutes) and/or…
- Do your workouts faster or harder (ex. Run faster) and/or…
- Make your workouts more intense (ex. Use heavier weights when doing the get ripped in 10 min workout or wear a weight vest while running) and/or…
- Do a different fat loss workout (ex. Do intervals on a bike instead of treadmill) &…
- On your rest days (or the days you're not doing any fat loss workouts) you can optionally do a lower-to-moderate intensity workout for 15-to-90 minutes like walking or riding a bike &…
- Always do your fat loss workouts LAST if doing the butt, breast, arm and/or ab workout on the same day.
- Most of the workout videos last less than 20 minutes so…
Butt Workout
- Do 4-to-6 sets of 5-to-12 reps of ONE of the butt exercises from Part 1 & then…
- Do 4-to-6 sets of 5-to-12 reps of ONE of the butt, hip & thigh exercises from Part 2 1-to-2 days a week but…
- Take at least 2 days off between workouts if doing this workout 2 days a week.
Part 1
Click on photos to see how to do exercise
Part 2
Click on photos to see how to do exercise
Butt Workout Guidelines
- Do this Butt Workout 1-to-2 days a week but never do it on back-to-back days & take at least 1 day off if doing it twice a week or…
- You can do this butt workout TWICE a day (once in the morning & evening) 1-to-2 days a week by doing ONE Exercise from Part 1 in the morning and then ONE exercise from Part 2 in the evening.
- Try to increase the amount of weight, reps and/or sets you do (as long as you don't do more than 6 sets or 12 reps) each time you do the butt workout or better yet…
- Try to increase the weight and/or reps on each set you do while maintaining almost perfect form &…
- Make sure you keep a training log to help you make your butt bigger faster.
- Take at least 1 week off from doing the butt workout after you've done it 2-to-8 weeks in a row.
- Do 2-to-6 sets of 8-to-15 reps of ONE of the chest exercises below for firmer breast 1-to-3 days a week but more importantly…
- See exercises here to fix your posture &…
- See 5 fashion tricks that'll make your breast look bigger.
Click on photos to see how to do exercise
Bigger Breast Workout Guidelines
- Do this Breast Workout 1-to-3 days a week but never do it on back-to-back days & take at least 1 day off if doing it 2-to-3 days a week.
- Try to increase the amount of weight, reps and/or sets you do (as long as you don't do more than 6 sets or 15 reps) each time you do the breast workout or better yet…
- Try to increase the weight and/or reps on each set you do while maintaining almost perfect form &…
- Make sure you keep a training log to help you make your breast look bigger faster.
- Take at least 1 week off from doing the breast workout after you've done it 2-to-8 weeks in a row.
- The Bench Press can be done with dumbbells or a barbell. You can also use a decline, flat or incline bench.
- Cable Flyes can be done standing or on a decline, flat or incline bench.
- Do 2-to-6 sets of 8-to-15 reps of ONE of the exercises fromPart 1 that will firm up the back of your arms and then…
- Do 2-to-6 sets of 8-to-15 reps of ONE of the exercises fromPart 2 that will firm up the front of your arms 1-to-3 days a week but…
- Take 1-to-2 days off between workouts if doing this workout 2-to-3 days a week.
Part 1
Click on photos to see how to do exercise
Part 2
Click on photos to see how to do exercise
Arm Workout Guidelines
- Do this Arm Workout 1-to-3 days a week but never do it on back-to-back days & take at least 1 day off if doing it 2-to-3 days a week or…
- You can do this Arm workout TWICE a day (once in the morning & evening) 1-to-3 days a week by doing ONE Exercise from part 1 in the morning and then ONE exercise from part 2 in the evening.
- You can also do a superset with the exercises from part 1 & part 2 of the arm workout and…
- A superset is where you do 1 set of 2 different exercises back-to-back without stopping so for example…
- You may do a superset where you do 12 reps ofOverhead Triceps Extensions followed immediately by you doing 8 reps of Chair Curls
- Take at least 1 week off from doing the Arm workout after you've done it 2-to-6 weeks in a row.
Do ONLY ONE of ab exercises below for 2-to-6 sets of 8-to-20 reps 1-to-3 days per week taking at least 1 day off between workouts.
Click on photos to see how to do exercise
Ab Workout Guidelines
- Do this Ab Workout 1-to-3 days a week but never do it on back-to-back days & take at least 1 day off if doing it 2-to-3 days a week &…
- Take at least 1 week off from doing the Ab workout after you've done it 2-to-8 weeks in a row.