
Thursday, 20 August 2015

Simple 9 kitchen remedies for long and shiny hair growth

9 Best Home Remedies For Long And Shiny Hair

Almost every woman dreams of having long and shiny hair. But without proper care, one cannot have long and silky hair. Hair is made up of protein. A well balanced diet can provide the essential nutrients that your hair needs for becoming long and shiny.
To fulfill your dream of having long and silky hair, you must have tried lot of expensive products available in the market which claim to provide excellent results. But most often, your dream of acquiring long silky hair remains unaccomplished.

Home Remedies For Long And Shiny Hair

Onion Juice

onion juice
A very effective yet simple home remedy for acquiring long hair is application of onion juice on the scalp. Onion juice is an excellent source of sulfur that boosts collagen production and encourages re-growth of hair.Chop an onion and squeeze out its juice, apply it on the scalp and let it remain on the scalp for 15 minutes. Then wash off your hair using a mild shampoo.

Coconut Oil

Coconut oil is the best remedy when you want your hair to be long and shiny. Coconut oil is the best natural conditioner for your hair as it is a rich source of protein and potassium, which repair your damaged hair, encourage growth of new hair and also keep your scalp healthy.

coconut oil
Massaging coconut oil before shampooing your hair is the best treatment for reducing dandruff, hair breakage and hair loss. To prevent hair fall and strengthen the shafts of your hair from the roots, use hot coconut oil treatment on your hair twice or thrice a week. This will keep you hair moisturized and nourished and fulfill your dream of getting long shiny hair.

Coconut Milk

Coconut milk is equally good for your hair as it is also rich in protein, potassium, iron and essential fats. For adding shine to your hair and keeping hair healthy and damage free, use coconut milk on your hair.Leave for 15-20 minutes and then rinse off with plain water.
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coconut milk

Egg Mask

Egg mask is a great remedy for getting long and silky hair. Eggs contain protein which contributes to the growth of new hairEggs are also rich in nutrients like sulfur, phosphorous, zinc, selenium, iodine and iron that are essential for healthy hair. Prepare the mask using one egg white and mix it with a spoonful of olive oil and honey.
Apply the mask on your hair and scalp and wait for at least 20 minutes to let it work. Rinse thoroughly with cool water and shampoo your hair as usual.  Apply this mask once a week to find amazing growth and luster in your hair.
egg mask

Milk & Honey

For long shiny hair, prepare a hair mask using a tablespoon of honey and a cup of milk. Apply this mask on your scalp and hair thoroughly and leave for an hour. Then rinse you hair with water first and wash with a mild shampoo. Detangle your hair while damp.
milk and honey

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Indian Gooseberry (Amla)

High in antioxidants and vitamin C, amla is a great remedy for getting long and shiny hair. It prevents hair fall and encourages healthy hair growth.
indian gooseberry
Amla is available in powder form or you can use amla juice also. Mix together 2 teaspoons each of amla juice and lime juice and apply on your scalp. Wait till it dries. Rinse with lukewarm water. It will also add shine to your dull hair.

Apple Cider Vinegar

Use apple cider vinegar for rinsing your hair after shampooing. This can not only make your hair silky and shiny, but can accelerate hair growth by cleansing the scalp and maintaining the pH balance of the hair.
apple cider vinegar

Balanced Diet

Eating a healthy balanced diet is crucial for stimulating the hair growth. Your diet must consist of foods rich in vitamins and minerals. Include lot of protein rich foods, fruits and vegetables, whole grains, foods rich in omega-3 fatty acids that are rich in phyto-nutrients and contribute to hair growth.
Our hair is basically made up of protein known as “keratin”. So include eggs, chicken, soybean and kidney beans in your diet. Avoid junk and processed foods if you want your hair to be healthy.

Basic Care

Don’t get disappointed. There are many home remedies using which you can get long and silky hair. You can have long lustrous hair only when your hair roots are strong. And to make your hair roots strong, provide your hair with good nutrition. Eat a balanced diet that consists of all food groups and drink enough water. Trim your hair at regular intervals. Protect your hair from UV rays of the sun and massage your scalp regularly. Proper cleaning of hair is also necessary for the growth of your hair. Here are some excellent home remedies that will provide your hair the care and nutrition it needs for growth.
basic care


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